Tech High School2024-11-15T14:34:41-07:00


State of the art cosmetology Salon, signature programs, early graduation opportunities and much more

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We Don’t Just Educate. We Change Lives.

We meet our students where they are at and offer flexible options to ensure a successful outcome.

There is Always Something FUN Happening at Tech High School

Our students are given career exploration opportunies for fantastic careers in cosmetology and the medical field.

Why Choose Tech High School


TECH High School offers a state of the art cosmetology salon. We are devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and community involvement. We develop leaders in many disciplines who graduate and go on to make a positive difference in the world.

  • Small Class Sizes – receive one-on-one attention with small class sizes and caring teachers
  • Digital Curriculum – Our curriculum provides you with next-generation digital learning
  • Early Graduation Opportunities – You can choose a fast track to graduation
  • Signature Programs – We offer cosmetology, certified nursing assistant and phlebotomy, get certified while earning your diploma

  • 1:1 Technology – Our students are provided with their own Chromebook to use for learning in the classroom

  • Corporate Accredited – Corporate accreditation through Cognia

Why Choose TECH High School


TECH High School offers a state of the art campus. We are devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and community involvement. We develop leaders in many disciplines who graduate and go on to make a positive difference in the world.

  • Small Class Sizes – receive one on one attention with small class sizes and caring teachers
  • Award Winning Curriculum – Our curriculum has won numerous awards

  • Early Graduation Opportunities – You can choose a fast track to graduation
  • Signature Programs – We offer cosmetology, certified nursing assistant and phlebotomy, get certified while earning your diploma

  • Corporate Accredited – Corporate Accredited through Cognia

  • Above Average High School Graduation Rates– Our students earn their diplomas more often than other Charter Schools


TECH Signature Programs

  • Certified Nursing Assistant

    Accord Healthcare Institute in Phoenix is located within Career Success High School.

    As a student at Career High School, you have the opportunity to complete a Certfied Nursing Training Program while completing your high school classes. Students can be a licensed CNA by the time they graduate from high school!  The CNA Program provides students with knowledge and skill required to be a Certified Nursing Assistant.

    Students will be in lecture class where they will learn about the role of a CNA, safety and infection control, the body systems and how they relate to patient care, follow problems residents face and how to aid them.

    Skill lab will provide students with the chance to practice skills that a CNA is required to know and will walk-through and later test on.

    Lastly, students will go to a site to do the clinical part of the course where students will have one on one interaction with real patients.

    After the completion of the course, the student will be able to take the Arizona Board of Nursing CNA Exam. Students can also apply for the LNA.

    More Info

For more info on our Phlebotomy Program Call 480-462-6645

Tech High School News & Information

Covering topics from early graduation options to educational news and events.


Dear Parent/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to Career Success Schools Tech High School! My name is Tim Madrid, and I am very proud to be the Principal of Career Success’ Tech High School. I started my career in education in 1986 as a classroom teacher, where I have taught 7th – 8th grade in the Murphy School District and in Fontana California. In 1988, I moved to California and spent 18 years as a teacher and administrator. This is my 38th year as an educator and administrator. I am very excited to take the next step of my journey leading Tech High School, and I look forward to building on the foundations that have been established and creating new ones.

I believe that every student can succeed and success breeds success. Tech High’s goal(s) is to build a positive learning environment with academic high expectations and an environment that will meet the social and emotional needs of our students, staff and families. We will do this by building strong positive relationships, being prepared to teach and learn each day and holding ourselves accountable.

In addition to helping a student earn a diploma, Tech High School offers multiple free certification programs. As a student at our school, students can work on skills that will provide career opportunities in their future. We encourage students to explore these options and speak with their academic counselor to help them find the program that is right for them. Some of the amazing programs we offer are:

  1. Cosmetology
  2. Certified Nursing Assistant
  3. Phlebotomy
  4. EKG Tech

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to our partnership and serving our students, parents, staff and school community.

Tim Madrid

Bell Schedule 22-23    School Calendar 24-25

Student/Parent Handbook

Download Student/Parent Handbook

School/Classroom Visit Policy

Parents of Enrolled Students. In accordance with Arizona law, parents of students enrolled at the school may request to visit, tour, or observe their child’s classroom (a “campus visit”), subject to the following parameters:

  • All campus visit requests must be received by the school at least 24 hours in advance of the proposed visit, provided that the school, in its sole discretion, may waive the 24-hour advance notice requirement on a case-by-case basis.
  • Campus visit requests will be promptly reviewed by the principal, with input from the classroom teacher.
  • Campus visit requests will be approved unless they threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students and staff.

During any approved campus visit, parents will be subject to all policies applicable to campus visitors generally, including safety requirements for providing identification, signing in and out of the campus, and if applicable, being accompanied by school staff.

Parents of Potential Students. In accordance with Arizona law, parents who wish to enroll their child in the school may request a campus visit, subject to the same parameters set forth above for parents of enrolled students. In addition, parents of potential students will be required to be accompanied at all times during any campus visit by a current staff member.

Scheduling. Approved campus visits will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time for the school and the parents, and may be limited to a specific time frame, at the school’s discretion.

Health and Safety Parameters. For purposes of this policy, the following requests threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students and staff, and are therefore not allowed:

  • Requests for campus visits during state testing, other testing periods, or at other times that would clearly interfere with educational instruction or disrupt the educational environment.
  • Requests for campus visits by parents who have demonstrated failure to abide by Parent Behavioral Expectations (set forth below), or who have otherwise failed to abide by campus visitation policies of the school.
  • Requests that, for other reasons, threaten to interfere with the physical, intellectual, social, or emotional health and/or safety of students and staff.

Parent Behavioral Expectations. During any campus visit, parents are expected and required to comply with all campus visitor procedures and to comport themselves at all times with appropriate decorum and in a manner that is respectful and conducive to an environment in which the educational objectives of the school can be effectively administered. Consistent with this expectation, any parental behavior that constitutes harassment, bullying, or verbal or physical abuse of staff or students, or that otherwise disrupts the educational environment is expressly prohibited.

In addition, parents may not interfere with instruction or distract from the instructional environment, nor may parents help their child with their schoolwork during a campus visit, unless specifically allowed by the classroom teacher.

Parents who disregard these behavioral expectations while on school grounds will be ejected from campus; may be prohibited from future campus visits or subject to other limitations on future campus visits; and may be subject to other consequences under applicable law or policy.


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